The House of a Lifetime: A Collector's Journey In Tangier

  • $65.00

Tangier is a city unlike any other in the world. At the edge of the water, two worlds meet and creatives have been drawn to the beautiful convergence for decades. This phenomenal book from Rizzoli tells the story of a magical home called "Tebarek Allah" from its  incredible owners Umberto Pasti and his life partner, Stephan Janson. 

"Between these pages, Pasti treats the reader to the historical evolution of his Tangier house as it was passed down from one eccentric expat owner to another, and finally to the couple's purchase and eventual expansion of the property, which enabled their garden to double in size. It is Pasti's melding of both tangible and intangible components from the natural plant world with found objects and constructed elements, brought together within this urban context, which creates Tebarek Allah's unique spirit."


*Please note, the cover of the book features an intentional aging effect