The most striking part of Tangier for me was the history. I'm a literature nerd and it was exhilarating to walk the streets that Bowles and Burroughs had frequented, to see the bookstore where they both routinely read new works and to sit in the birthplace of the beatnik movement.
We had reserved rooms in various Riads, (essentially bed & breakfasts created in stunning villas with central courtyards) across the country in advance so we had a rough timeline of what cities we would be in on which days and which planes, trains and automobiles would deliver us there. We knew no one. We spoke neither Arabic or French. We had what we could carry on our backs (once it was found in Amsterdam; long story), each other and a insatiable wanderlust. Turns out, that was exactly what we needed.
I'm a reader. I love a good story and feel a deep connection when I can understand the history of a piece, which is why I fell so madly in love with the vintage handiras or Moroccan wedding blankets when we were traveling. Sure, they're stunningly beautiful at face value but I think the story beh...